Meet the Camino Quest Team

Our origin story

Camino Quest is the result of a beautiful friendship that began in Caracas, Venezuela in the early 2000s, when Randy & Doralicia and Greg & Christina both found themselves living, starting families and working in Venezuela with different organizations. Learning to live amidst the tensions of a country that was struggling to find its way forward politically was a shared reality of many expats during this time.

Fast forward to 2007, both families moved to Costa Rica (Doralicia’s birth country), each with two kids in tow, where family get-togethers were a common occurrence. Randy and Doralicia moved to Spain in 2010, while Greg and Christina continued on in Costa Rica for a little while longer. 

Randy’s first Camino trip was in 2012 and like most who have walked those ancient paths, it certainly was not his last. Doralicia completed her first pilgrimage in 2017. They began guiding groups in 2021, emphasizing in spiritual formation pilgrimages. Doralicia led an all women’s group in 2022 and looks forward to more trips with women in the future.

Greg and Christina first enjoyed the Sarria to Santiago pilgrimage in 2023 and look forward to many more in the coming years as they deepen in their knowledge and experiences on the Camino.

Together, we are dedicated to offering fellow pilgrims personalized and engaging journeys that encourage connection with oneself, God, nature, and others. Our aim is to help you embrace the opportunities to incorporate the transformative insights you’ve gained into your unfolding personal pilgrimage. We look forward to meeting you and walking this ancient path together!

  • Randy spent his childhood in México and Costa Rica. As an adult, he's lived in the US, Venezuela, Costa Rica, and since 2010, in Málaga, Spain. As a leadership coach, he enjoys guiding people through transitions toward greater clarity in their personal development. Randy began walking the Camino de Santiago in 2012 and several years later began leading Spiritual Formation pilgrimages for groups. He loves witnessing God's creative work in people's lives on the Camino. Randy is married to Doralicia, his favorite Camino pilgrim! They are proud parents of two lovely daughters, Abigail and Sophia.

  • Doralicia, born and raised in Costa Rica, studied Social Work before moving to Venezuela with her husband Randy in 1997, where they lived for nearly a decade. Since 2010, she has resided in Spain, where she became a certified Spiritual Director. During her time in Spain, she has studied the spirituality of Spain found in Ignatius of Loyola, John of the Cross, and Teresa of Ávila. Doralicia enjoys accompanying individuals searching for God and exploring their inner lives at various stages. In her opinion, the Camino de Santiago is its own Spiritual Director, offering pilgrims opportunities to recognize the spiritual, emotional, and relational invitations of everyday life. Doralicia treasures time with her daughters, Abigail and Sophia, and values the journey of life with her husband, as well as their adventures on the Camino de Santiago.

  • Greg has been fusing learning and exploration since his early years. When he was sixteen, on his first journey to Europe, he developed a passion for travel and meeting people from around the world. When he’s not travelling abroad or exploring the Pacific Northwest, Greg can be found in the classroom teaching subjects like Cultural Anthropology and Intercultural Communication. Greg graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary with his Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies and has recently turned his focus to understanding the role that pilgrimages play in supporting spiritual, physical and mental well-being.

  • Christina grew up in Vienna, Austria and moved to the U.S. as a young teenager.  She has always had a passion for travel and exploring culture, connecting with people and learning different perspectives on how to see the world.  As an adult, she has lived abroad in both Venezuela and Costa Rica, and she now resides in Oregon where she teaches third grade.  When she is not in the classroom she enjoys hiking, reading and spending quality time with her husband and two adult children.  Her own transformative journey on the Camino had a profound impact on her life, and she looks forward to walking with others on this meaningful path.

At Camino Quest, we are dedicated to providing pilgrims with a unique and unforgettable experience on the Camino de Santiago. Our guided tours offer more than just a trek; they are a spiritual pilgrimage where you will have space to slow down, reconnect and embrace your ongoing journey, and simply allow your soul to breathe. As you walk through the stunning landscape, you’ll encounter calm as you enjoy nature. Our hope is that you will form meaningful relationships with other fellow pilgrims from diverse backgrounds. We invite you to join a Camino Quest pilgrimage, and let us guide you on a journey that will bring peace to your soul and recenter your heart.

Our commitment to you: